COVID-19 tracking dashboard and alert system

Aug. 25, 2020

Dear Cornell and Ithaca community members,

In order to keep the community informed of the status of COVID-19 testing on the Ithaca campus, Cornell’s COVID-19 testing results and other critical data are now available on a new public dashboard. The COVID-19 Tracking Dashboard also introduces Cornell’s COVID-19 Alert Level, a color-coded system that indicates how Cornell will respond should infection rates and/or other metrics reach a particular threshold during the coming months.

The dashboard will be updated daily with information on the number of tests performed and number of infections over the past seven days and cumulatively; availability of quarantine and isolation space; local health system capacity; and the inventory of supplies needed to conduct surveillance testing. Information on testing in all of Tompkins County will continue to be available on the Tompkins County Department of Health’s website.

Please take a moment to review the dashboard and bookmark the page for future reference. Learn more about the dashboard and the alert system on the Cornell Chronicle.


Michael Kotlikoff

Gary Koretzky
Vice Provost for Academic Integration





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